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Castor Oil Remedy For 15 Diseases Highly Effective Against Allergies And Back Pain!

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Castor oil is a significantly underrated ingredient. Not only you can use it as a replacement for cosmetic products, yet it can also be used for a wide range of medical purposes.

Apart from being easily available and inexpensive, you can apply this oil to treat injuries, soothe back pain, ankle pain, remove brown spots on the skin, and much more. In fact, you can use castor oil to improve your health on many levels.

Here are 15 amazing castor oil remedies:

  1. Take 5 drops of castor oil in the morning to ease allergy symptoms.
  2. Gently massage castor oil with baking soda to whiten brown spots on your skin.
  3. Apply it onto the abdominal area daily to relieve snoring.
  4. Rub it in your eyelids at bedtime in order to treat severe ocular allergies.
  5. Massage your belly during pregnancy with this vegetable oil to eliminate stretch marks.
  6. Get rid of pilonidal cysts by applying castor oil.
  7. Massage your back to alleviate pain in the lower back.
  8. Castor oil can safely and effectively remove warts after 1 month.
  9. Just 6-8 drops a day for 4 weeks can relieve tinnitus.
  10. Boost your hair growth and apply castor oil on the scalp 20 minutes before shampooing.
  11. Mix castor oil and baking soda, and apply it on the skin to treat skin cancer.
  12. Can aid recovery from alcoholism.
  13. Castor oil promotes your health in terminally ill cancer patients.
  14. Apply castor oil on bee stings in order to treat pain and swelling.
  15. It removes nail fungus when used as a coating on the affected areas every day.
  • Castor oil is commonly used in compresses as it boosts circulation, here’s how to make one:

Just remember to clean your skin with baking soda before and after using the compress. For the compress you will need cold-pressed castor oil, clean gauze, plastic sheeting, a bottle with hot water and towel.

To successfully apply a castor oil coating, dip the gauze into warm castor oil and apply on the affected area. Then, wrap it in a clean film, and place a bottle with hot water. Wrap a towel over it and hold in place for at least an hour. Apply this compress for 40 days, you should make a new one when the oil changes the color or smell.


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