Are you struggling to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet? You may have a toxic fatty acid that blocks weight loss.
Here's how a simple “Ice Hack” speed up my fat loss and helped me restore my health, watch now.

Hormones are highly potent substances, which have a great influence on the human body. Therefore, when the hormones are out of balance, they may lead to severe health disorders.
The female hormone, estrogen, affects mood, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, and growth and development. For this reason, hormones are an important part of the development of secondary female characteristics, especially through puberty.
Nowadays, modern lifestyle causes numerous hormonal imbalances both in men and women. Especially because the women estrogen imbalance is highly influenced by chronic stress, unhealthy diets, car pollutants, and pesticides.
These hormonal imbalances can cause 3 major side-effects. Namely, they are thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, and estrogen dominance. Therefore, if you encounter some of these disorders start using the following essential oils immediately.
Here are the 5 essential oils that can help reset your hormones:
- Licorice Oil
Licorice has a bitter sense, so it may not be your favorite flavor. However, it has strong antidepressant properties which are of great help when fighting adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and thyroid problems.
Also, in Chinese medicine, the root is used to treat gastric ulcers and raise metabolism. To utilize the oil, just rub a few drops on the palms and inhale to instantly boost your mood.
- Basil Oil
Basil essential oil has a super calming effect for both men and women experiencing stress symptoms. Moreover, researchers found that basil oil is 39% more efficient than the placebo drug.
To regulate the hormones, just rub several drops of organic basil oil on your forearms and on the adrenal pressure point on your ears.
- Myrtle Oil
This oil is especially good if you want to stimulate the function of the thyroid and manage the lower thyroid or ovary imbalance. Additionally, it supports the respiratory system in the case of asthma or a cold.
All you need to do is rub several drops of myrtle oil to the main thyroid points on your body. Also, make sure to include the base of your neck and the place under your big toe.
- Lavender Oil
This essential oil provides better sleep, relaxes the body and boosts blood circulation. Thus, aids the body to defeat adrenal fatigue and estrogen imbalance.
You need to pour several drops of lavender oil on your pillow just before going to bed. The scent will relax the body, calm you, and promote your sleep.
- Clary Sage Oil
The method of clary sage oil dates back to Medieval times, it is proven to balance the hormones and alleviate the PMS symptoms.
Just add a few drops to the bath. Afterward, the oil in the combination of the warm water will relieve your cramps and melt away any PMS pains.