Are you struggling to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet? You may have a toxic fatty acid that blocks weight loss.
Here's how a simple “Ice Hack” speed up my fat loss and helped me restore my health, watch now.

Did you know you can make your own vitamin-rich supplement at home, without GMO, additives, and other harmful substances? In addition, you will end up saving lots of money.
On the other hand, homemade vitamin C powders are much better than any store-bought supplement. Plus, they are cheaper and you can even make candy that your kids will adore.
Nowadays, lots of people prefer taking vitamin C supplements as a remedy for the common cold. Since they stimulate tissue growth and contain antioxidants that help block free radical damage.
Unlike vitamin D, which is produced from the sun, our body on the other hand does not make Vitamin C which makes it an important nutrient to have on hand. Therefore, the only way to get enough vitamin C is through supplements, and food sources.
Currently, most vitamin C supplements on the market come from genetically engineered corn. Henceforth, eating foods that contain vitamin C is a much better solution of this vitamin than those store-bought supplements.
Fortunately, there is a much better option to make your own vitamin C without paying a dime. In fact, this simple homemade version is made from lemon peels and has all the enzymes that permit the Vitamin C to be 100% absorbed into your body.
Citrus fruits are known to provide powerful antioxidant properties. Plus, the flavonoid contained in peels of tangerines, grapefruits, and lemons has the ability to reduce cell damage induced by radiation.
Here’s how to make your own vitamin C supplement at home:
At first, you will need to buy a few organic citrus fruits. Then, you can eat the fruit and save the peels to make your own dried citrus powder. In fact, follow these instructions and enjoy the benefits of vitamin C.
- Take your peels and spread them onto a dehydrator tray.
- Dehydrate them in your oven at 100ºF for 6-9 hours or until they are dry and crispy.
- Grind the peels in a blender or coarse as you want, it is up to you.
- Put the powder in an airtight container and store it in a cool place.
Once your citrus powder is done, take one rounded teaspoon every day. You can add your homemade vitamin C to smoothies, soups, salads, juices, or raw desserts. For instance, a tablespoon of lemon peel has 2 times more vitamin C and 3 times more fiber than a lemon wedge. You can use your immune-boosting powder any time you want.
Note: Do not add it to hot drinks or foods since, the heat will destroy all the enzymes.